Upper Broadway Bike Lanes and Pedestrian Connection Project (CIP 41508)

Welcome to the Upper Broadway Bike Lanes and Pedestrian Connection Project Website!

This project will construct new bicycle and pedestrian facilities along Broadway from Schnell School Road to Point View Drive and a new transit stop near the intersection of Broadway and Schnell School Road, collectively offering a safer method of travel along the Broadway corridor for our community.  The project also addresses critical infrastructure maintenance improvements to the City sewer and storm drain systems as well as roadway improvements.  Construction began the last week of January 2020 and is anticipated to be completed by late Fall 2020.  Thank you for your patience as we construct another great project for our community! 

Project Exhibit

Project Construction Updates (Most Recent Listed First)

Upper Broadway Update No.9 and Closure Exhibit

Upper Broadway Update No.5

Upper Broadway Update No.4

Upper Broadway Update No.3

Upper Broadway Update No.2

Upper Broadway Update No.1

Proposed Final California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Document_IS/MND - 4/10/18 City Council Meeting Agenda Item 12.3

Project Exhibit and Project Milestone Schedule as of 4/9/18

Staff Report


Final IS/MND

Final Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)


Draft Notice of Intent_Upper Broadway Bike Lanes_MND.pdf
Draft Initial Study With Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration_Feb_22_2018.pdf


Community meeting #1, Agenda
Community meeting #1, PowerPoint
Community meeting #1, Summary Notes Community meeting #2, Agenda

Community meeting #2, PowerPoint
Community meeting #2, Project Exhibit
Community meeting #2, Summary Notes